South West Sydney

Learn Engineering & Robotics with LEGO®!

Young Engineers offers unique STEM programs where children have fun while learning critical skills for the digital age!

What is STEM?

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) are becoming increasingly important due to technology pervading every aspect of our lives. A STEM education offers not just information but the ability to process that information correctly. STEM skills include:

✓ Theoretical concepts ✓ Practical application of theory
✓ Critical thinking
✓ Problem solving
✓ Data analysis
✓ Engineering
✓ Physics
✓ Coding

At Young Engineers:

✓ Students build and program motorised LEGO® models
✓ These models are working prototypes of real world machines
✓ Different levels of the program cater to a range of ages and abilities
✓ Children build everything from washing machines, power plants and helicopters to human and animal robots. All the machines move and work at the press of a button!

For the parents it’s an education, for the children it’s a game. What Young Engineers delivers is e² – Education with Entertainment.


For Pre-School, day care & Prep

Build K’nex models

For Primary Schools 

Build Lego(r) machines


For Primary Schools

Code & control Lego(r) robots

For Primary & Secondary Schools

Advanced Lego(r) engineering

For Primary & Secondary Schools

Advanced Lego(r) robotics


School Incursions
After-School Clubs
Holiday Camp
Birthday Parties

About Young Engineers

e² Young Engineers was established in 2008. Over the past few years, we have had over 150 franchisees in more than 45 countries joining our brand. Our programs are delivered through school incursions, after-school clubs, holiday camps and more! We proactively collaborate with universities, industry associations and other STEM providers to ensure our programs are relevant and leading-edge. 

We really believe that our young engineers can be the next generation of creators, innovators, and problem solvers. Our goal is to make a tangible difference to the children of today by giving them 21st century skills for a lifetime of success!

About the Franchisee

How can children prepare themselves for a career 15-20 years down the line? Professions of the future are inconceivable today, just as many of our careers (graphic design, online commerce, technical support, etc) were unimaginable to our parents. The secret lies in giving them skills that will be usable across all fields of study and job requirements.

We believe that every child deserves an opportunity to develop this future resilience. Young Engineers – Brisbane Metro is delivering just that. We expose students to the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), equipping them with the necessary skills for the economy of the future, all while having fun with LEGO®.
We are committed to helping our children build their tomorrow, today.